We write to celebrate you in thanksgiving to God for the unique gift of you to the Church and to humanity. We celebrate the uncommon grace that has defined your life and priestly ministry. You spent over a decade (1984- 1996) as the Rector of our seminary, which was then only JS 1 and 2. It was your duty to wean children aged 9 and 11years from their parents, transform them into seminarians from whatever they were and make them fit for God and humanity before sending them to continue their formation at All Hallows Seminary, Onitsha.
This task you carried on with the mysterious aura of fatherhood. The testimony of the sacrifice of your life in this task is evident in the quality of priests you gave to the Church in Onitsha archdiocese, Nnewi diocese and the universal Church. The quality of men whom you trained serving humanity in dynamic capacities are evident of this uncommon grace. We recall with nostalgia your efforts to give St. Paul’s the first ever borehole water to end the crisis the seminary faced for ages sourcing water from Ulasi river. It was a great day for you and us, when you rang the golden bell inviting us around the borehole to announce the conquest of the water scourge. You gave the 1985 (C-set) the privilege of being the first set to do the JS 3 in SPSU in 1988.
We recall with nostalgia your insistence on forming integral persons and gave your all to the realization of same. Your profound spirituality impacted heavily on all of us that passed through you. It is awesome that as we celebrate these golden years of your self immolation in the priesthood of Christ, that one of your own children is the rector of the same seminary where you formed him.
May these testimonies of grace that define you be your source of strength and consolation as you continue to testify to God’s grace in your life and ministry. Tu es sacerdos in aeternum! Auguri!
Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Ezike Jude
Rector, SPSU.