I am a Catholic by conviction and not just by birth. One of the reasons I have continued to deepen my faith in the teachings of the mother church is the clarity it provides to liturgical and temporal actions. This is why, like Christ, I can clearly rebuke an unclean spirit pretending to be spirit of God. Below is a seminal exegesis on the stand of the church on clergies who become as reckless as Fr. Emmanuel Obimma.
Vatican Council I (1869-1870) and Vatican Council II (1962-1965) did not specifically address the issue of a priest insulting a constituted authority. However, both councils emphasized the importance of respect for authority and the need for clergy to maintain a positive and respectful relationship with civil authorities.
Vatican Council I:
– The council reaffirmed the traditional teaching on the relationship between the Church and the state, emphasizing the importance of respect for legitimate authority (Dignitatis Humanae, 1869).
Vatican Council II:
– The council emphasized the importance of dialogue and cooperation between the Church and the state, encouraging clergy to maintain positive relationships with civil authorities (Gaudium et Spes, 1965).
– The council also emphasized the importance of respect for human dignity and the rights of individuals, including the right to freedom of speech and expression (Dignitatis Humanae, 1965).
While neither council specifically addressed the issue of a priest insulting a constituted authority, their teachings emphasize the importance of respect for authority, dialogue, and cooperation between the Church and the state.
With glaring facts, if the errant Priest is not brought under severe scrutiny and canonical rebuke, then two things may be very apparent. The Local Ordinary of the said Priest is either not aware of the growing rascality of the Priest under him or complicit and supportive of it. I sincerely do not want to believe the later. One thing is clear, no human can bring the church to disrepute — Priests or Laity alike.