An Exordium
Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo’s crackdown on native doctors and those preparing oke ite (ritual charms for wealth without labor) is not just a political action, it is a divine assignment. For too long, the proliferation of ritualists and deceptive native doctors has plunged many Igbo youths into spiritual, psychological, and even physical exile. Like the Israelites who were exiled due to their persistent idolatry, many of our young men have unknowingly exiled themselves through these dangerous practices. Governor Soludo is simply acting as a divine instrument to restore sanity in Anambra and cleanse the land from the demonic grip of these manipulative dibias and their deceptive promises.
1. Idolatry: A Biblical and Historical Bane
The Holy Scriptures repeatedly warn against idolatry, a sin that led to the destruction of many great nations, including Israel:
Exodus 20:3-5: “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol or any image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them.”
Jeremiah 25:6-7: “Do not follow other gods to serve and worship them; do not arouse my anger with what your hands have made. Then I will not harm you.”
2 Kings 17:7-18: This passage details how Israel was exiled because they embraced idolatry, consulting sorcerers and practicing evil in the sight of God.
The same evil that led to Israel’s downfall is what many Igbo youths have embraced today through oke ite, money rituals, and charms for bulletproof protection (odeshi). These practices are modern-day idol worship, and God’s anger will not spare those who indulge in them. Governor Soludo’s actions should be seen in the light of biblical justice removing the abominations that have brought suffering upon the people.
2. The Psychological Deception of Native Doctors and the Rise of Oke Ite Merchants
The so-called dibias (native doctors) have transitioned from traditional healers into merchants of deception. Many of them lure young men with promises of overnight wealth through oke ite, a ritual practice where individuals are given charms to attract money without effort. These practices include:
Blood sacrifices: Some dibias demand human or animal sacrifices, leading many youths into crime, murder, and even the killing of family members.
Ritual slavery: Some who participate in these rituals end up being enslaved to spiritual forces that torment them for life.
Mental and psychological damage: Many who undergo these rituals experience madness, paranoia, or sudden mysterious deaths when the so-called wealth fails to come.
If Governor Soludo does not act now, Anambra may soon become a land where every young man is enslaved to these spiritual forces.
3. The Law Cannot Be Used to Justify Evil
Some have argued that Governor Soludo’s actions violate the constitutional right to freedom of worship. But we must ask ourselves: Is freedom of worship a license for crime, ritual murder, and spiritual manipulation?
The Nigerian Constitution guarantees freedom of worship but does not legalize ritual killings, human sacrifices, or deceptive practices that harm society.
No government should tolerate religious practices that promote crime and psychological destruction.
The fact that these native doctors are aiding and abetting criminals further justifies the governor’s actions under the law.
Those defending these practices under the guise of “African Traditional Religion” are either deceived or complicit. African spirituality, at its core, is not about human sacrifices, oke ite, or odeshi. What Soludo is fighting is not African culture but a perversion of it.
4. If Oke Ite Is Destroyed, Madness Will Fill Onitsha Head Bridge
There is an open secret that many refuse to admit: if all the oke ite in Anambra are destroyed today, the Onitsha Head Bridge and major streets of Anambra will be filled with mad people. Why? Because many have tied their destinies to these demonic practices. Many young men walking in suits and driving flashy cars are sustained by demonic covenants. If these oke ite are broken, they will be exposed, and their minds will collapse under the weight of the spiritual forces they have invited.
5. Governor Soludo: A Divine Instrument for Deliverance
God always raises leaders to cleanse His people from corruption. In the Old Testament, kings like Josiah (2 Kings 23:4-25) led the charge in destroying idolatry in Israel. Governor Soludo is walking in that same path by purging Anambra of these destructive forces.
He is not against cultural heritage but against practices that enslave the minds of the youths.
He is not attacking traditional values but eliminating criminality masked as “tradition.”
He is not imposing Christianity on Anambra but restoring moral sanity in a society overrun by the merchants of deception.
Rather than criticize him, we should support him in this divine mission.
6. A Call to Action: Anambra Must Reject Oke Ite and Ritual Practices
To all the youths entangled in the deception of oke ite, let this be your wake-up call:
Wealth without hard work is a trap that leads to destruction.
No native doctor has ever used oke ite to become rich—why then do they sell it to others? Rather they become rich from the money they collected from those they prepare the oke ite for wealth without hardwork.
The real oke ite is education, skill acquisition, and diligence in labor. Anything else is a satanic shortcut that leads to doom.
In conclusion, Governor Soludo is not just enforcing the law; he is fulfilling a divine mandate to deliver Anambra from the spiritual and psychological slavery of idolatry. Those defending these evil practices under the guise of “religion” or “culture” are standing against both God and the moral conscience of society. If we truly desire a prosperous, secure, and spiritually healthy Anambra, we must all support this fight against oke ite, odeshi, and ritual killings.
The time for deception is over. The time for deliverance is now. Let us stand with Governor Soludo as he purges the land of evil and restores righteousness to Anambra State. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).
Shalom Haverim!
©️ Rev. Fr. Peter Uche Onuoha