In our daily lives, we often come across scenes of accidents or people in distress on the road. Our inherent instinct is to rush to their aid, provide comfort, and ensure they receive medical attention. However, there is a disturbing trend that is scaring many Good Samaritans away from lending a helping hand.
In recent times, there has been numerous cases where individuals who stopped to assist accident victims or sick people on the road ended up facing Police cases. The scenario often plays out like this: a Good Samaritan stops to help an accident victim and accompanies the victim to the hospital. Tragically, the victim succumbs to his or her injuries or illness on the way to the hospital or shortly after arrival. Instead of being thanked for their kindness, the Good Samaritan is often taken into Police custody, questioned, and even charged for causing the victim’s death.
It is unconscionable that in a society that values kindness and generosity, Good Samaritans are left vulnerable to harassment, arrest, and even prosecution. The fear of being victimized for trying to help others is a potent deterrent, and it is already leading to a decline in the number of people willing to assist those in need.
This is where our government comes in. It’s imperative that our lawmakers take immediate action to protect Good Samaritans from persecution. We need a comprehensive law or system that safeguards these heroes from unwarranted harassment and prosecution. Such a law would not only protect Good Samaritans but also encourage more people to come forward and help those in distress. It would send a powerful message that our society values kindness, compassion, and selflessness.
The government should enact a Good Samaritan Law that would provide immunity from civil liability for individuals who render aids to those in distress, as long as they act in good faith and without gross negligence. Secondly, government should establish a Clear Protocol for Good Samaritans to follow when assisting accident victims or those in distress. Thirdly, there should be training and support programme for Good Samaritans, empowering them with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in emergency situations.
Finally, it is imperative we launch a public awareness campaign to educate citizens about the importance of helping others in distress and the protections available to Good Samaritans..
We urge our lawmakers to take immediate action and provide the necessary protections for Good Samaritans. It is the least we can do to honor these heroes and encourage more people to follow in their footsteps.
Note: Anywhere protectors are not protected, protection becomes difficult to receive.
– Ambassador Ezewele Cyril Abionanojie is the author of the book ‘The Enemy Called Corruption’ an award winner of Best Columnist of the year 2020, Giant in Security Support, Statesmanship Integrity & Productivity Award Among others. He is the President of Peace Ambassador Global.