By: Ife Ajibuwa
The bold and arrogant assertion by Ipinsagba’s media team that “there’s no vacancy in Ondo North come 2027” reflects an alarming disregard for the will of the people. This statement reeks of entitlement and underscores their inability to engage constructively with the real issues affecting the people of Ondo North. Leadership is earned through service and not entitlement.
I read your lengthy response with great interest, and I feel it is necessary to clarify that this is not about personal attacks or opposition politicking but about holding public officials accountable for their promises and responsibilities. Unfortunately, your response does more to highlight Senator Ipinsagba’s failures than to provide convincing evidence of his achievements.
First, let us address the issue of job creation. For over 20 months in public service, Senator Ipinsagba has failed to create a single direct and sustainable employment opportunity for the youths of Ondo North. Not a single individual. Empowerment programs, while commendable, are merely short-term gestures that do little to address the systemic unemployment plaguing the region. Distributing sewing machines, laptops, or fertilizers cannot replace the need for gainful employment. Where are the federal placements, government appointments, or industrial initiatives facilitated by the senator? The youth of Ondo North deserve better than superficial gestures.
Your claims of empowerment programs, however you try to colourize it, lack substance. Training sessions and laptop distributions are not transformational. They do not provide the economic impact needed to uplift the region. What measurable outcomes can be traced to these initiatives? How many beneficiaries have gone on to create businesses, secure jobs, or contribute to the region’s economic growth as a result? Very laughable is the so called ‘ Akara training’ which the media team mentioned. Without verifiable results, these claims amount to little more than political propaganda.
Furthermore, much of what you’ve claimed as the senator’s “achievements” are nothing more than embellishments or outright lies. The figures being added up are without concrete proof. We have not seen any significant impact in those areas, and the people are beginning to see through the empty promises. What is more evident is that Senator Ipinsagba has become fondly known as the “5kg bag of rice Senator” by the people because that’s about all that he delivers: a bag of rice here, a bag of rice there, but nothing of substance that changes lives in the long run.
You argue that Senator Ipinsagba is committed to the development of Ondo North, yet the evidence tells a different story. The region remains underdeveloped, with pressing issues like youth unemployment, industrial stagnation, and apparent poor infrastructure. Constructing a few lock-up shops, classrooms, or civic centers is not the kind of large-scale development the people of Ondo North need. Other senators across the country are facilitating multi-billion-naira projects, attracting investors, and creating thousands of jobs for their constituents. Why is Ondo North being left behind?
The so-called legislative achievements of the senator are equally underwhelming. You mention a bill to establish a Federal University of ICT, but what is the status of this bill? Has it translated into tangible benefits for the people? Passing readings without concrete execution is more of an academic exercise. Ondo North cannot wait indefinitely for results while other regions are reaping the benefits of proactive leadership.
It is also disappointing to see the media team deflect attention from these issues, stating points out of context and perambulating. Such tactics are not only counterproductive but also reveal a lack of confidence in the senator’s performance. If Senator Ipinsagba’s achievements were truly impactful, they would speak for themselves without the need for elaborate defenses or attacks on critics.
Now, let us address your suggestion that I should relocate to Ondo North. If Ondo North were truly as prosperous and developed as you suggest, if Senator Ipinsagba were truly working as you claim, the achievements will definitely be visible to all and sundry regardless of my location.Don’t you think it will be unnecessary for me to come over to Ondo North before I can point to them? As they say, Res ipsa loquitur, the facts speak for themselves.
The people of Ondo North are no longer swayed by tokenism and empty promises. True leadership requires vision, accountability, and a commitment to creating opportunities. Until these are demonstrated, the senator’s so-called media team cannot erase the glaring failures and the ineptitude of the senator and his tenure will remain a disappointment.