Olatunbosun Oladimeji
From my childhood to my new status as a senior citizen, I’ve kept a healthy distance from politicians – near and far – though I’m ambivalently too sure that the reenactment of the past glory of the land of my nativity and the surpassing of it depend on their instrumentality.
For my mind has ever been pleasantly riveted to Pa Ajasin, the legend, though he was one – but one with a difference. He had his fingers in all the pie that pertains to upliftment of humanity and community development, deeply dyed in incorruptibility, empathising power, Spartan self-discipline, self-effacing nature, self-contentment, love of justice and prophetic insight to the future. He willingly made himself available for service to humanity, society and his community. He so identified with his Owo community that he referred to the people as “my people” (if unconsciously).. He used education, not only as a mean to economic advantage for “my people,” but as a weapon of liberation from ignorance and superstition. Gratuitously, he went out to join the war for the political liberation of the people.
On relocation to Owo seven years ago, I’ve always known that if my immediate community is to progress and move forward, it needs an Ajasin with his all encompassing breadth of vision coupled with his nigh too healthy unearthly nature (nature uncommon amongst the earthlings): a man who will take the torchlight and lead us through the tunnel of modern time.
By chance, I came across such a man in Owo years ago. I spotted an Ajasin in him, Olatunbosun.
Like Ajasin: like Olatunbosun Oladimeji. A choice of him as a leader is the wisdom way.
Honourable Olatubosun Oladimeji is it.